When to Think of Alternative Treatments for Asthma

Chiropractic for Asthma

What happens to one person can happen to another since we are all made from the same DNA template. What happened to this 10-year-old boy with asthma that will be described is actually quite common – and we can all learn from it.

This boy was really suffering from asthma and was on four different medications for it—albuterol, Singulair, Zyrtec, and Flovent. Exercising with asthma brought on severe attacks so this little boy gave up on exercising. Instead of running around with the other kids, he’d end up running for his inhalers.

Not only did he have asthma but he seemed to have been plagued by a lot of other symptoms. His eyes hurt when he read. He couldn’t remember what he read. He wasn’t doing well in school and staff at school concluded he had a developmental delay disorder. He had headaches frequently. And he had neck pain frequently as well.

Sometimes as parents you end up having to think like a doctor. If you were his parent, you would have to ask yourself, “Why is he having all these happen all at the same time? What do they have in common?"

The Nervous System is the Central Processing Center for the Body

The answer is spinal nerves and the nervous system.

Exercise simulates the body in a stressful situation. Thus, a shift has to occur in the nervous system from everyday ‘normal’ functioning to stress and survival. If the shift doesn’t occur gracefully, there will be symptoms – and that’s what happened to him. He would get severe asthma attacks when exercising.

Eye pain and vision changes are related to the cranial nerve functioning. Again, there’s a neurological basis for it. He also had neck pain and headaches, two additional symptoms that either a vertebrae was out of alignment in the neck or a nerve was compressed. Developmental delays are clearly related to the nervous system.

Once you determine what all the symptoms have in common, you can address it properly.

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Alternative Treatment to the Rescue: Chiropractic

The boy’s mother took him to the chiropractor that used a method called Applied Kinesiology on him. The boy received 5 treatments in three weeks.

Once the nerves and nervous system are restored, the body amazingly takes care of healing. The boy began reading at his grade level immediately after the three weeks. He didn’t need asthma medications anymore and exercise didn’t cause any issues whatsoever. All symptoms of asthma disappeared and his report card filled up with As (in reading, too) and Bs, not Cs and Ds. No one thinks he’s developmentally delayed now.

What Can You Do With This Info

Looking for patterns in symptoms is what doctors are trained to do. Write a list of every symptom that your child with asthma has, and bring it in to your chiropractor. Ask him which ones are related – and then give it a trial to find out.

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