Ensure Proper Asthma Nutrition With These Soup Ideas

Get Stronger With Vegetable Soups

John F. Kennedy had asthma as a child. He started improving his diet and exercising and went from a scraggly kid to a nice, buff swimmer. It took determination and eating vegetables to get to that position, but he did it and so can you!

The reason you need to start eating vegetables is because you were built from the very beginning to eat them. Vegetables contain nutrients and phytochemicals that affect your metabolism, biochemistry, and every part of your body's growth and hormone regulation cycles that other foods don't contain.

Most likely if you have asthma, you are not eating enough vegetables. In nutrition, you need to eat a variety of foods to survive. Although different cultures have different foods that grow in their geographical area, each culture still eats what's in season. In the U.S., you have the advantage of eating many different types of vegetables every day of the year.

Adding Vegetables to Soups

The easiest way to start eating vegetables is to add them to soups. Most people like carrots for example. You can make a carrot soup and add celery, turmeric, onions and pears with coconut on top. Tasting the coconut and pears on top almost makes you forget there are onions in the soup.

You could make a roasted red pepper soup with celery and green onions. If these are three vegetables you like, then load them up in the soup. Make a 2-quart pot of soup and use 6 roasted red peppers or more. Use a half a stalk of celery and 3 bunches of green onions. Adjust the recipe each time until it's exactly to your liking. The predominant flavor is usually the vegetable in the greatest quantity but this isn't true always.

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Where To Start

Get a few soup cookbooks and start reading them. They're a quick read because all you are doing is looking for vegetable soup ideas.

Strive for downing two 2-quart pots of vegetable soup a week. That's a soup cup or bowl at least once daily. Researchers have even discovered that you could have chicken soup before you go work out – and when you do, it will help improve fluid balance, increase your water intake and improve cognitive performance. They tested cyclists for this study. That's amazing, isn't it?

The bottom line is you really have no idea what miracles are going to happen from eating vegetables until you get started. Why not start today?

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