Building Your Body With Smoothies When You Have Asthma

Smoothies for Asthma

If you happen to be a history buff, you’ll discover that some of the nation’s mighty Presidents had asthma or other major health issues as a child – and they overcame it through healthy diet and exercise, initiated through a commitment to make the body as strong as it could possibly be.

You can do the same thing. You can make your body stronger and treat your asthma from the inside out with smoothies. The best foods for asthma include fresh fruits and vegetables along with nuts, seeds, healthy fats, dairy products and protein foods. Now let’s be serious for a moment. How many of these healthy foods are you getting on a daily basis right now? Possibly not that many.

More Nutrients Is Better When You are Sick

Now imagine what will happen to your health if you start adding these foods back into your diet. Then imagine how easy it would be to add these healthy foods into your diet if you put them in a smoothie and drank a smoothie once a day. By 12 noon, you could have consumed more nutrition than what you’ve been getting in two days! Your body will love you for it and reward you with health. Your health will start turning around.

What To Do If You Can’t Handle Milk

Many people with asthma are sensitive to dairy products. Some studies have linked the presence of the A1 beta-casein protein with this sensitivity, while others see allergy reactions to it that manifests in asthma and difficulty breathing. If this is true for you, don’t put dairy products of this type in your smoothies.

However, it may be true that you could benefit simply by changing the type of milk to another one that does not have this reaction in the body. Why not change to A2 milk such as goat milk, camel milk or buffalo milk? Goat milk is more widely available but it’s the camel milk that has the most healing properties and is the least allergenic. Google camel milk and you’ll find it is available via Amish farms in the United States.

If you can use the milk and it makes your body stronger, then milk should be the foundation for your smoothie. Here are some examples of what to add to the milk to get in six servings of fruits and vegetables in a day:

  1. Camel milk or goat milk, strawberries, kale leaf, Swiss chard leaf, two apricots, parsley, chlorophyll.
  2. Camel milk or goat milk, blueberries, juice of one lemon, ginger powder, Swiss chard, alfalfa, barley green powder.
  3. Camel milk or goat milk, peach, spinach, avocado, coconut, Swiss chard.
  4. Camel milk or goat milk, blackberries, juice of one lemon, spinach, alfalfa or green powder mixture, apple.
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How to Get Started Making Your Smoothies

The key is to start out with four or five ingredients, then continue adding more. The more variety of fruits and vegetables you can get in your smoothie, the more nutritious the drink will be. After the first ingredients, begin adding a tablespoon of either hemp powder, chia seeds or flaxseeds. As an alternative, you could also add one-half handful of raw nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or even cashews. Cashews give a smoothie a very creamy consistency; in fact, ground cashews are used in baked goods to help improve the consistency of the batter.

After you do this, go to the next level and begin adding nutritional supplements such as lecithin, nutritional yeast, probiotics, rose hips for the vitamin C complex, and even wheat germ oil or flaxseed oil (but never more than a teaspoon).

Before you know it, you will wake up feeling better.

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