Using Reflexology Points for Asthma Treatment

Reflexology and Asthma

Asthma attacks can be life threatening, so grab your inhaler the minute you need it. While the inhaler is working, you can simultaneously press on some acupuncture/acupressure/reflexology points for asthma. The acupressure points may assist in stopping the symptoms and if there's any chance of additional help, why not try?

What is Acupuncture and Reflexology?

Acupuncture/acupressure/reflexology points are based on the ancient healing system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In this system of natural healing, the body is seen as electrical in nature with energy running through different meridians, or energy pathways. If there's a blockage of energy along the energy pathways or an overabundance of energy there, then dis-ease and disease will eventually occur.

There are hundreds of acupuncture/acupressure/reflexology points in the entire body and it takes several years to master the art. The difference between acupuncture and acupressure is that acupuncture uses very thin needles inserted into the points while acupressure entails pressing a fingertip into the point and holding it there for up to five minutes. Reflexology uses the acupuncture/acupressure points and is more of a training tool to get you used to learning the points and using them.

There are specific meridians that contain acupuncture/acupressure points for various health conditions. By pressing on these points, you can often feel relief from the symptom that you're experiencing. Your success depends on the choice of the point for the situation. When it works, you have the correct point. When it doesn't, you must consider using other points.

What Acupuncture/Reflexology Points Do I Use for Asthma?

Below are three reflexology/Acupressure points for asthma. Memorize them and use them during your next asthma attack.

  1. LIV 3 (LIV stands for the Liver Meridian)

    The location of this point is on top of the foot between the big toe and the second toe. It's one thumb's width down towards the middle of the foot. The location of the points is dependent on body proportions. To keep the exact location of points standardized, the Chinese often use body parts such as the width of a thumb or a finger. For example, an acupuncture point is "three finger widths" from XYZ landmark.LIV 3 is a liver detoxification point, which is important for asthma. This point is also good for balancing the liver and great for times when you need a decongestion effect.

  1. Collarbone Point

    Here's another point for coughing and lung congestion. This point is very close to the Neck Hollow Point in the depression at the base of the neck. You can find this Neck Hollow Point right now by looking in the mirror.The bones that travel horizontal to make up the bony protuberance of the Neck Hollow Point are your collarbones. This Collarbone point is directly underneath the collarbone; simply move your finger to the side of the bony protuberance and press in on the underside of the bone.Any acupressure points may be tender, especially if the energy along the meridian is blocked at that point. Don't let that stop you. Simply press and hold the point for up to five minutes. Do this on both sides, as you will find a right collarbone (clavicle) and a left collarbone.

  2. CV 17, A Point that Relieves Stress

    During an asthma attack, stress is at a maximum. Go immediately to the Emotional Balancing Point, located in the center of your breastbone. Press it for up to five minutes.There are many additional points that could be used as reflexology points for asthma, but start with these. Learn them three at a time to ensure you remember them well.

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