Herbal Remedies for Asthma
Herbal remedies have a solid place in the treatment of asthma. Unfortunately, some research studies indicate that people who use herbs to treat their asthma symptoms are more likely to require hospitalization than those who do not. Experts believe that this is because people are using the herbs incorrectly.
If you decide to use herbal therapies to treat your asthma, you must learn how to correctly use them. You may want to consider consulting with an herbalist, naturopathic physician, or doctor of oriental medicine. Check with your physician or pharmacist to be sure that the herbs do not interact with any pharmaceutical medications that you may be using.
Benefits of Using Herbs to Treat Asthma
Unlike most pharmaceuticals, herbs gently, but powerfully work with your body to optimize your health and wellbeing. Herbal remedies support the health of your entire body. They can make your immune system stronger so that you do not contract respiratory infections as easily, they can be used to treat infections should they occur, they can thin mucus and help you to get rid of phlegm, and they can help you to relax.
You can also use herbs to relieve coughing and open up your air passages. They may reduce inflammation, increase your comfort, and make breathing easier. Some herbs will provide you with rapid relief of symptoms. And generally speaking, herbs are much safer than pharmaceuticals.
One aspect of asthma treatment that is usually overlooked by conventional practitioners is the need to support the health of your liver. Your liver breaks down and eliminates toxins that may cause asthma flare-ups. Herbal remedies provide exceptional benefits that ensure your body is able to detoxify irritating substances efficiently.
If your asthma is mild, you may discover that by incorporating treatment with herbal remedies and adopting a healthy lifestyle, your asthma symptoms may be completely resolved. Many individuals take multiple medications to control asthma symptoms. If you are among them, you may opt to use herbs to support your health. In time it may be possible to reduce dependence upon rescue medications.
I have had excellent success using herbs to relieve asthma symptoms and enhance the health of people who suffer from this condition. Herbs are very effective; however, like all therapies, they must be used as part of a holistic wellness plan which incorporates diet, exercise, stress management, and other aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. Herbs may be used for people of all ages who suffer from asthma.
The results of herbal therapy may be dramatic. For example, I worked with an eight-year-old girl who had severe asthma. She was unable to attend public school because she was so debilitated. Over a period of several months, she gained much needed weight, had fewer, less intense asthmatic episodes, and began to participate in a swimming program. I watched her transform from a pale, thin, frightened child to a vibrant young girl who no longer dreaded going to bed at night for fear of waking up unable to breathe.
Herbs alone did not make this possible. Her mom made sure that she received healthy meals and vitamin supplements. She employed energy conserving strategies balanced with gentle exercises. I taught her breathing and relaxation techniques. She would draw and play the guitar as a means to cope with stress. This holistic approach worked for her, and it can for you.